25 Healthy Relationship Traits [Free PDF Download] Keys to Happy Marriage

If you created the perfect marriage recipe what healthy relationship traits (ingredients if you will) would you pull out of the cupboard and fridge?

Do you feel your relationship lacks some of the qualities that could add that extra zest?

Too much stress, not enough excitement, nothing to look forward to?

Maybe you have the ideal relationship or are single now and waiting out for your ideal mate. In that case which characteristics do you seek in a partner?

Or perhaps you just ended up on this page by accident.

What are the key ingredients of happy couples?

If you did not intend to find the missing ingredients of what makes a happy relationship then feel free to click on the back arrow in the upper left corner of the screen.

Of course if you do leave then feel free to opt-in to my member’s club to receive the free download of my 25 Healthy Relationship Traits Checklist.

Divorce rates in the US have held steady since 1979. As of 2015 the divorce rate dropped slightly to 16.9% of all US married women aged 15 and up per every 1,000.

Maybe it’s me, but I still see that as a high number.

Perhaps we could agree that every relationship lacks something so imagine you could shop for the missing ingredients.

Which healthy relationship traits would you toss into the cart from my checklist below?

25 Healthy Relationship Traits Checklist

1. Fun

So simple, but without it then the rest of this list doesn’t matter.

If we cannot have fun together then we might as well just be roommates.

Imagine having a friend with whom you never have fun. Could you even be friends without fun?

2. Commitment

A promise to yourself and each other that you will give the relationship your best effort.

It’s tough enough to live your own life.

Being ready to adjust to someone else’s needs, habits and value system will put you to the test, but the rewards healthy relationships provide are substantial.

3. Empathy

The ability to understand your partner’s needs and wants from their point of view.

4. Sincerity

The importance to honestly display what you are feeling and thinking.

Do not fake either.

Stick with your natural personality patterns.

Your partner will act and feel based on how you express yourself.

5. Respect

The characteristic of giving and asking of what the other person grants us permission.

We never knowingly take what is not ours.

Providing the treatment that the other expects us to give.

6. Independence

Giving space to your partner when they wish for alone time.

The opposite would be “smothering”.

Sharing in a mutually satisfying relationship can be quite fulfilling, but everyone needs to recharge their emotional and mental batteries alone.

7. Honesty

An obvious trait for healthy relationships.

Telling the truth instead of hiding secrets sets up a healthy pattern for open communication and the ability to identify problems and resolve conflict.

8. Openness

Sincerely sharing feelings and thoughts without holding back.

Reveal the extent of the importance of what weighs on your mind and you hold in your heart. This opens the path for emotional connection.

9. Maturity

Leaving your past negative relationship experience behind and identifying that each relationship is independent from the rest.

Someone who has obtained emotional maturity through life experience and pursues a relationship which shares mutually accepting unconditional love will be easier to get along with.

10. Trust

Depend on the fact that the other person will take action which is best for both of you.

When one in the relationship identifies conflict of interest they will promptly bring it to the other’s attention in order to resolve the issue.

11. Compassion

Share in our partner’s suffering or celebration. Lend a helping hand in time of need or rejoice in moments of success.

12. Introspective

Ability to identify and understand our own feelings to avoid destructive behavior for the individual or for both.

13. Consistent

Do and say what you normally would. Make choices based on your values. Your partner will feel safe being able to predict what actions you will take and what you will say.

14. Compromise

Share your responsibilities.

No one likes to do all tasks and chores.

Sometimes we enjoy doing the same daily responsibilities which require that only person complete them.

Healthy relationships depend on our ability to agree on gracefully splitting the load and not complaining later.

Compromise could also refer to devoting time together when lack of extensive time exists or a conflict of work schedules arise.

15. Connection

Sharing moments or conversation which strengthens the bond between one another.

Connection helps eliminate the feeling of loneliness.

It provides us that sense of security that someone understands us on a deeper level. It forms the foundation of friendship.

What happened to the rest of the 25 healthy relationship traits (#15-#25)?

In order to receive the rest of the healthy relationship traits I invite you subscribe to my members page to download the complete 25 Healthy Relationship Traits Checklist and access to the password-protected page in the menu bar “Members Page”.

There you will access all the free resources for download available to the rest of my current members.

I regularly add new downloads and soon will add a second members page.

Click here to download your free copy of the entire 25 Healthy Relationship Traits.

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25 healthy relationship traits

Which of the Healthy Relationship Traits Do You Feel Matters Most? Which Characteristics Am I Missing?

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