Find Your Soulmate: 10 Affirmations to Manifest the “One”

I believe everyone deserves happiness.

If I had to break down my one core reason to launch my blog and my two main newsletters Understanding Men Secrets and the Infidelity First Aid Kit Newsletter it’s because I want my viewers and subscribers to pursue happiness not just in relationships but also in life.

And one thing that I know you can agree on with me…

… is that life is more enjoyable with the right people in it…

But one of the reoccurring trends amongst my subscribers and viewers is that they either are not quite sure of what their ideal soulmate looks like or they struggle to decide if the man/woman they’re with right now is indeed their “One”.

Now that may not be you but I beg you to keep reading because I believe this blog post will either help you double-check to make sure that you indeed did find your soulmate or help you feel more inspired that you, in fact, did find them.

No matter your reason for viewing this blog post I know it will help you, in fact, it’s because of affirmations like these that allowed me to survive my ex-wife’s infidelity and abandonment which ripped my heart to shreds and also leave a previous toxic relationship.

Plant them in your head, water them and let them blossom, flourish and grow into new adopted permanent positive thoughts.

And by making this a natural routine habit of acquiring positive thoughts a magical thing comes to life…

…you will end your search once and for all of the man/woman you’ve dreamed about meeting.

You will find your soulmate.

These affirmations not only benefit you to find the love of your life but the same technique can bring other life goals and dreams of yours to fruition.


Want to find your Mr. Right but not ready to date again? Not sure if men find you desirable? Check out your next step to find your soulmate and why you should Believe in Love again….

10 Positive Affirmations to Find Your Soulmate

1. My SOULMATE will be my best friend because we thoroughly enjoy spending time together.

Friends celebrate victory and good times together and reconcile fast.

find your soulmate. recite this affirmation

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2. My SOULMATE will share some of the same mutual life plans.

It’s easier to enjoy life with someone who shares the same ambitious or adventurous ideas and mindsets.

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(Want to find your soulmate in online dating? FINALLY, succeed, master the expert techniques to Find the One Online taught by a professional dating coach.)

3. My SOULMATE will strive to settle disputes, arguments and differences because they possess a “Team-First” mindset.

You both see the big picture that TOGETHER you are happier if you are on the same page rather than acting stubborn and worrying about who’s right. If you both share the same life vision and genuinely like and accept the other despite their differences, then this will happen much more easily.

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4. My SOULMATE will bring Light and Joy to me because I can be the best version of my natural self.

Your partner should bring out the best in you and help you strive to achieve the things that matter most to you.

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Check Out My Pinterest Board: Self-Worth and Self-Care

5. My Soulmate will be Strong When Apart and Strong When Together (Not Emotionally Co-dependent)

Time apart will happen and when it does your relationship does not fall apart. Your ideal partner will know how to entertain and take care of themselves. They will also not feel jealous or fear that someone will take you away from them.

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6. My SOULMATE will be emotionally ready and possess the stability to be ready for a long-term relationship.

You might have compatible personalities and share chemistry, but they must be emotionally ready to want to share their lives with you.

And they might be emotionally ready AND perhaps even possess most or all the other soulmate qualities you seek, but if they instable financially or completely lost in their career or suffer from an identity crisis this problem could come back to haunt if not fixed.

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7. My SOULMATE will feel Empathy and Sympathy for my pain, struggles and challenges.

Your soulmate not only understands how you feel but they feel badly when you hurt. It should bother him to see you struggle and offer to lend a helping hand in any way they can.

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8. My SOULMATE will Accept my Imperfections and Opinions.

Your soulmate should prefer that you have imperfections because they make you unique. They value your own opinions and different viewpoints.

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9. My SOULMATE will Care about my Feelings and will Avoid Belittling, Insulting or use Manipulation.

When things do not go their way, in order for someone to be your soulmate, they will not turn to manipulative mind games to get what they want. Secure and loving people do not insult, threat or resort to pressure to gain an advantage. Your SOULMATE must love themselves and feel comfortable in their own skin before they are capable of loving someone else.

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10. My SOULMATE will apologize when appropriate because they feel sorrow for hurting me.

We all will make mistakes and hurt our partners, but a soulmate knows when to apologize to reconnect, even sometimes when they are in the right.

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[BONUS] My SOULMATE will support my Goals and Interests.

Your soulmate knows your limitations, talents and skills and skill-level. If they do not then they are open to learn because they care about your success. They push you to achieve the best version of yourself based on your abilities because they want you to live to the fullest.

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Did you Find Your Soulmate?

1 Comment
  1. These are good.

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