
How to Write Your Inspirational Life Story (for New or Existing Blogs)

Do you tell your inspirational life story in your blog?

Would you like to connect with your audience on a deeper level?

Whether your already started your blog yet, or have published posts for years, your will grab your audience’s attention more easily if you can identify the motivation behind building your blog.

The connection between your posts, emails, eBooks and the reason you started your blog in the first place will reveal your human side and foundation of your entire blog.

It’s this human foundation that your audience will connect with and give you authenticity.

Not ALL your pieces of content can connect with your story as a blogger.

And in some blogger’s cases they may have more than one story that propelled them to create their content.

But the more you can identify that connection between the two, the more appealing your brand will look and entice people to sign up for you newsletter and keep coming back to read what you have to share with the world.

Without it, your blog can survive with interesting blog posts and even make regular money, nut you will struggle to grow your email subscribers, expand your reach to encourage people to share your content.

“What if I don’t have an inspirational life story to tell?”, you might wonder.

But you do.

You just haven’t taken the time to discover it yet.

What emotional connection do you have to your blog (or blog idea, if you haven’t launched it yet)?

Want some help figuring out your inspirational life story?

Check out my post on brainstorming inspirational blog ideas.

Once you feel like you’ve identified it then it’s time to learn how to write it.

Would you like to learn how to write your inspirational life story to uplift your readers?

Let’s look at how to craft the pieces of your story from the moment you run smack into your life’s challenge to the jubilation of your break through.

How to Write Your Inspirational Life Story

Every story contains some kind of problem, challenge or conflict that the main character must learn to overcome. To enter that problem, the main character (you in this case) must leave a peaceful point in life and crash into the problematic one.

This problem will not go away on its own unless you can discover a way to overcome it.

I will name this transition from peaceful time to problematic time “the Crash”.

The Crash

In my own story, my Crash led to the motivation behind the creation of this blog I crashed upon the discovery of my now ex-wife’s affair. My peaceful life of being married to and living with the woman, who I thought was my soulmate came to end and forced me to adjust the moment I found out she cheated on me.

My dream of finding the love of my life took a sudden turn and from it I experienced internal turmoil as a I struggled to make sense of how and why this happened, and where my life headed next.

Up to that point everything in my felt like it fit into a predictable plan, almost like a miracle that I though never would come, followed by a nightmare you thought only ocurred in movies.

I searched for love that would fill my emotional void and found it, then lost it and then re-evaluated my plan to find purpose in my life.

Was finding a soulmate the way? Or was finding love just a piece to a bigger puzzle? I needed answers.

Here’s how I could tell my Crash in detail in my About Page, emails, posts, video or even podcast.

The Crash in My Story

I’m getting ready for work, sitting on the toilet, reading the sports news on my phone when suddenly a FB alert bubble pops up from a former co-worker.

Little do I know out of the thousands of messages I receive in my lifetime, this one would change the course of my life forever.

It reads, “I thought twice about sending you this message, but I thought you should now. I received a friend recommendation on Instagram and noticed a picture of (name of my wife) with another guy. Hate to tell you this, but it looks like they live together.”

After that my whole body goes numb.

She’s cheating.

At first I lie to myself, and think, “Finally, I am free to move to California.” At this time in my life it is my primary dream (and even still is a pretty big aspiration of mine).

But later in the day, the nightmare sinks in.

She now lives in NY and is not coming back.

I’m suddenly alone, still drowning in debt with no end in sight, I hate my job, my life and a cloud of depression rushes over me.

“What am I going to do with my life? Will I ever find love? Will I drown in debt forever? What am I going to do next? What do I possibly have to look forward to?”


Quick Note

You notice that I told my Crash in the present tense, rather than the past.

It seems more alive and has a bigger impact on the reader.

And now the reader feels my pain and they stand in suspense guessing what I will do next to cope with this nightmare situation.

From here we enter the next phase of my inspirational life story what I will call “Rock Bottom”.

This is where I reach my lowest emotional point after I crash.

Rock Bottom

The Crash is just the beginning of your inspirational life story that you will build your blog around..

Rock Bottom is where you discover just how high the emotional hurdle is that you now face.

You still haven’t figured out a plan to overcome the pain that you deal with.

The doom rains down on you like a never-ending storm.

Here’s how my Rock Bottom sounds.


Rock Bottom of My Story

I can’t bear the pain.

The simplest of tasks seems like an impossible to complete.

And I fear sleeping because it’s when I feel the loneliest.

My mind spins as I drive to work without focus and my soul flatlines.

I feel nothing as I shuffle through my daily routines- I’m a walking zombie among the living.

At this point I see no hope and the emotional trauma reaches the bottom of a pit.

I take 2 weeks off from work to regain my strength.

Everything I had grown to know seemed like a lie.

My belief system toward love and marriage shattered.

I didn’t know what to believe or who to trust.

My only goal at this point is to search for hope.

Hope will at least keep me afloat and a promise of brighter future even though I do not know what that looks like just yet.

The Journey

Here is the next phase of your inspirational story where you begin to look for a solution, a way out of your misery.

The focus is not the actual finding of the solution, that comes in the next phase.

You aim to bury the pain and move on with your life.

Here you clearly detail what causes your pain and begin to vaguely spell out the solution that you believe will cure your emotional turmoil.

Here’s how my journey looks.

The Journey of My Story

I return to work and a few months pass.

And I begin to gather my emotions and re-routing my life down a different path.

Luckily I have a few good things going for me financially to aid in my recovery from my wife’s affair and abandonment.

Despite nearly $10,000 in credit card debt I am biting my teeth into it and paying off large chunks.

My new real estate job as a prospector for two real estate agents begins to pay off, as I find leads for my bosses and the houses begin to sell.

Plus I have some vending machines that create dependable passive income and also my long-standing job at the theme parks.

Stability is key right now, but not the answer to the future.

I feel an urge to make up for lost time from my lost love and feel the pressure of entering my 40s.

The relief of stress of taking care of my much younger wife who didn’t drive a car and relied heavily on me to solve many of her problems will lift a lot of pressure off my shoulders and allow me to breath a little.

But I need purpose, something big to feel proud of and fill this emotional void of losing my wife.

Relinquishing my debt and creating a financial cushion will not be enough.

Life Awakening Discovery

And now we move into the exciting phase of our inspirational life story: the Life Awakening Discovery when we determine the solution that will end our misery.

We still aren’t sure of all the details, but here we find hope of better days to come.

The Rock Bottom phase of our story shows us what we don’t want which helps us figure out what we do want on a long-term scale to find a fulfilling purpose for ourselves and inspire others who witness our transformation.

Life Awakening Discovery of My Story

And then it hits me.

My blog.

My blog is the perfect platform to tell my inspirational life story to the world and in turn help heal my own soul.

Up to now I had caught my wife cheating three times.

After the first two times I foolishly believed she would come back to me and we’d figure out a way to work things out.

So my posts are mostly about how to communicate with your spouse to repair lost trust and stay married.

I still want to help others who have a chance to save their marriage, but now I feel an obligation to expand my blog to help people re-route their lives to find a new purpose.

I want no one to feel left behind who faces the stark reality that their marriage cannot be saved, like I once faced. will become my platform to tell my survival story and how even a cheating, fleeing spouse cannot ruin your life.

And I dedicate several hours a day learning what it will take to succeed with my blog.

The Breakthrough

Up until now we’ve determined the solution to my problem, but now it’s time to execute and succeed.

Along the way will find some pleasant surprises that will aid in finding happiness and fulfillment.

We enter the Breakthrough phase of our inspirational life story.

The Breakthrough of My Story

Through trial and error I turn my blog from a handful of visitors a day into several hundred, even thousands over time.

My subscriber list grows, people share my content in my biggest social media platform, Pinterest, subscribers email me asking for advice and then the moment I had been waiting for finally comes.

I start making money as a blogger.

Blogging is challenging.

You don’t have a physical store front and you compete for rankings in Google and for attention in social media, but making any kind of money is the highest hurdle bloggers face.

Most give up before they make even their first $100.

Many quit before making even a $1.

I feel the jubilation that all the hard work pays off.

Not only can I help my visitors and subscribers, but I can help myself too.

Money starts rolling in on a regular basis as I create a reliable source of income to count on coming every month.

I begin to picture my life as a professional blogger with a location-free lifestyle.

In this dream life I can travel while making money and help people around the world to find their inspirational life story.

My journey still continues with blank pages in a book that need filled.

I dedicate myself to search for creative ways to uplift others who face a similar tragedy like mine and those who seek to find true love.

Along the way I make new friends from all over the planet from as far away as the UK and Australia.

Tens of thousands of people visit my site a month and I begin to understand how to succeed.

My wife left with no remorse over the pain she caused, but as a result I discover my long-lost passion for writing, teaching, helping others and an online business.

My inspirational life story is a true testament of how to turn lemons into lemonade.

What Is the Crash, Journey, Life Awakening Discovery or Breakthrough of Your Inspirational Life Story?

Share Your Thoughts at the Bottom in the Comment Field (or Fill in the Form Below to Email Me Directly)

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