Inspirational Blog

Inspirational Blog Ideas: How Can You Turn Your Life Story into a Blog?

How would you feel if you could turn your life story into an inspirational blog that could touch other people’s hearts around the world…

heal your own soul…

possibly make money and…

even turn into a full-time blogging lifestyle, location-free career?

You can.

But you must find your story.

The best stories are born from some kind of challenge, conflict or turmoil.

And guess what?

We all face them, which means that we all have an life story that we can turn into an inspirational blog to share with others who want to connect with your real-human situation.

These challenges come in all sizes and it might shock you to discover the endless list of possibilities of inspirational life stories that you possibly could turn into a blog.

Inspirational Blog Ideas: What Life Story Could You Possibly Turn into a Blog?

We all need motivation from time to time.

One day you wake up feeling like you can conquer the world, the next day you might struggle to climb out of bed.

If I had to choose my favorite thing of running my blog that personally benefits me I’d say it’s that it gives me a purpose in my daily life.

At any given moment I can send out an email to my subscribers or publish a post that could reach thousands of people over time, change at least one person’s perspective and give them hope.

For me I survived the wake-up call that I had found my soulmate when my now ex wife not only cheated on me but abandoned me for another man in another state.

I have plenty of perspectives to share to uplift someone who has either gone through a similar experience or any kind of challenge that lands on their lap one day and now they must learn to cope with it.

It’s my blog, I created it and I can help people around the world 24/7, even in my sleep.

And I even make money doing it. Here’s a post I wrote for beginning and intermediate bloggers on how to make $100-$500 monthly.

In a section of that post I discuss how to find your blog topic, called a niche in case you’re new to the blogging world, out of your passions, interests, talents and hobbies, but this post here is different.

We will look at some inspirational blogs to brainstorm ideas on how to find your life story to share with and bring people hope around the world.

Your story may not appear in this list, but I want your creative juices to start flowing.

Inspirational Blog Brainstorm Ideas

  • How you overcome depression and now live peacefully and happily
  • Losing weight to feel healthy, energized and attractive
  • Getting fired or let go from your job and finding a way to survive on no income…
  • …or losing your job and starting over in a new career or starting a business
  • Suffering from a tragic accident and learning to live with life-altering changes
  • Losing a loved one, handling the loneliness and re-routing your life
  • Surviving mental and emotional abuse from your spouse, divorcing, starting over and learning to love yourself
  • Learning to change the way you live after you’re stricken with a major illness
  • How you got by after living through a natural disaster like a tornado, hurricane, typhoon, land slide
  • Starting over in a new career after you got sick and tired of what you did for a living
  • How to recover from financial tragedy either from you losing all your money or someone running off with it
  • Rising to the challenge as a senior to start a business when you thought is wasn’t possible
  • Share your tips and challenges as a single parent
  • Tell your story of ending a long bout of a single life and finding true love
  • Turn your discovery of finding your long-last passion as an artist after years of unhappiness and turn it into an inspirational blog
  • Have you conquered a fear that plagued you your whole life?
  • Were you ever forced to relocate and learn to start over?

This list could go on for a while.

But if you experience or have gone through any of these then you could turn any of these ideas into an inspirational blog to share with, connect and uplift the world around you.

Literally the world.

And in a second, I will show you real-life examples of inspirational blogs that were created by normal everyday people that either make living from it or at least make a reliable supplemental income.

Any Inspirational Blog Ideas You’d Like to Add?

Real-Life Inspirational Blog Ideas … that came to life!

I want to help you find your life story to share with the world because I know you have one.

The following list reveals a common thread of how real-life everyday people like you and me found a way to write about a challenge they confronted in their lives and how to turn it into an inspirational blog that gives others hope of a brighter future.

And please know that I do not have any affiliate relationships with any of these bloggers. I do not receive compensation for sharing their story.

Simply, I like their story and want to help you find yours.

All of them touched my heart and I hope they touch yours too.

And apparently they’ve touched others because people around the globe share these stories on social media.

The only difference between these amazing people and you is they started an inspirational blog and you haven’t yet.

We all have inspirational life stories to tell the world. by Camille

I think a lot of people can identify with Camille’s story, both men and women alike.

Camille shares how she grew up introverted and feeling uncertain how to approach men.

After long frustration connecting with men in way that brought her fulfillment, she took it upon herself to try a new strategy to find love.

She stepped outside her social comfort zone to learn how to successfully connect with people in person and suddenly men started to ask her out all over town.

Camille found her mark on how to overcome shyness and her self-consciousness of approaching and connecting with men (and other people in general) and turned it into a full-scale coaching business. by Faith

Dealing with depression her whole life she searched far and wide on the internet for advice.

Nothing resonated with her.

Either the advice she came across spoke of how they “cured” depression.

S***, “cured”?! Since when can you CURE depression and send it packing for good?

Just when I think I cured my own sadness one day, I end up peeling myself out of bed the next.

Overcoming depression is a journey. You don’t end it forever, you learn to cope with it.

And all the other bloggers who weren’t “cured”, wrote about depression from a clinical perspective.

So what did Faith do?

She created her own blog to share her story of her journey of dealing with depression.

Samantha is a doll and savior to thousands of single mothers around the world.

Single mothers deserve to live and enjoy their lives too. Why struggle?

That’s where Samantha comes in.

Her posts and programs inspire single moms how to create money to live a richer lifestyle for both their kids and themselves.

I love her writing style it’s funny and adorable.

Her blog came to life after a long, miserable, dead-end marriage, sound familiar?

Uh, yep!

Did she moan, cry and complain?


Instead she created a lifestyle and business out of coaching fellow single moms how to create their own unique awesome lifestyle. by Megan

Think you’ve got challenges?

Meet Megan!

Talk about overcoming challenges!

Megan lives with multiple health challenges which forced her to leave her lucrative secure career in IT.

Super smart with the heart of a lion she learned to start over, face her health challenges head on and then preceded to build a successful coaching business to help other women overcome similar hurdles.

Primarily Megan shares how she shed off 80 pounds with gluten free recipes.

She shares her delicious and nutritional versions of traditional food recipes and how to overhaul your lifestyle to feel healthy, sexy and create a version of yourself that women around the world can feel proud of. by Amanda

Here’s another story about battling weight loss.

Amanda had tried several diets and attempted to regularly get to the gym, but just like millions of other people who wish to lower their weight and enjoy their bodies, she wasn’t finding the results she had dreamed of.

Week in and week out she struggled with sticking to a plan until she hit rock bottom during a trip to Hawaii where she felt like a “stuffed burrito” (her words) in anything she put on.

That’s when she decided to try the IIFYM (if it fits your macros) diet, which basically means that you can eat ANYTHING you want as long as it fits into your daily calorie requirements and daily macronutrient split of protein, carbohydrates and fats.


Amanda started to see the results she had coveted for a long time.

Through trial and error, she figured out what she could and couldn’t eat.

She stopped stressing about eating and started to enjoy it again.

Now she runs a successful nutritional blog where she shares her tips how to enjoy your body while eating what you like. by Donielle

Many women dream of becoming a mother.

But for some it’s not as simple as making the decision of when, rather if.

Donielle faced that challenge head on when she discovered her own fertility issues.

What makes her story unique is that she focused on the foods she ate.

Her belief is that food is the foundation of health and fertility and that alternative therapies can be just as effective, if not more effective, than conventional medical options or even can be combined with conventional treatment.

She advocates natural living and keeping toxins out of her home.

Her research and tips help future mothers follow in her footsteps. by Rogue

When life got tough and she found herself content but not happy, she quickly lost her feelings for her husband and she had to figure out what to do.

How do you lose the one thing that mattered most?

After leaving her husband and only attracting men that wanted to hurt her, she quickly discovered that she didn’t love herself very much at all.

Why else would she be putting up with such bad behavior from men?

For almost a year she read and listened to everything she could get her hands on.

Discovering many deeply amazing things about herself.

Most importantly she discovered what real love is and what it feels like.

Then she created a coaching program to help men and women balance their masculine and feminine roles in relationships.

How to navigate between what we were taught to do in a relationship and what actually works.


We all face life challenges that at first deflate us and get us asking ourselves, “Why did this happen to me?”

But these challenges disguise themselves as opportunities that you can turn into an inspirational blog that can provide a new prospective and hope for thousands, if not millions, of people around the world.

No matter how significant your life is, you have multiple stories to tell that will motivate others.

What life story or challenge have you overcome that you could turn into an inspirational blog?



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