Make Him Worship You Review: Module 3- The Secret Emotional Life of Men

make him worship you review: Module 3 the Emotional Secret Life of Men

Sometimes we just want to hide and not engage, we need to decompress, but in Module 3 The Secret Emotional Life of Men in dating and relationship coach Michael Fiore’s “Make Him Worship You” you Module 3 will learn how to make him feel safe when he’s overwhelmed or lonely, so that he loosens up, feels emotionally present and engages with you.

What is Make Him Worship You by dating and relationship coach Michael Fiore?

Who does it help and how does it help?

Like all of my content, Michael designs his for women (singles, daters and women in relationships) to understand men’s deepest feelings in order to relate and connect.

Michael specifically created Make Him Worship You to:

“In Make Him Worship You, I’ll show you how deeply men’s sexual psychology and societal pressures are woven into his mental fabric. (And how you can use this information to show him what you want, and tell him what you need, and fulfill his innermost desires and needs at the same time.)- Michael Fiore”

…as he states in the introduction of this members-only, online guide.

Let’s look at the break down Make Him Worship You

Format and Brief Outline of Entire Guide

Make Him Worship You is broken down into six modules.

Each module contains a core training video/slide show, with Michael narrating, as well supplemental bonus materials with additional critical advice and techniques (and some light and easy homework).

The videos are transcribed into text below each video.

6 Core Modules of Make Him Worship You

Module 1: Introduction and the Toxic Lies You’ve Been Told About Men.

Module 2: What Men Mean by “I Love You” (aka What Love Really Means to a Man)

Module 3: The Secret Emotional Life of Men

Module 4: Accepting Yourself

Module 5: Feeding His Masculinity

Module 6: Communication and Getting What You Want


Bonus Material

Bonus 1: When To Sleep with a Man

Bonus 2: Unstoppable Confidence with Michael Griswald

Bonus 3: Good Girl’s Guide to Texting Dirty

Bonus 4: The Man-Melting Backrub

Bonus 5: Make Him Beg to be Your Boyfriend

Here’s the complete breakdown of Module 3:

Module 3: The Secret Emotional Life of Men

Discover the pressures men face from the media, society, and women that lead most men to live in fear and loneliness.

The insight and techniques taught in Module 3 will make him feel safe when he’s overwhelmed or lonely so that he will loosen up, feel emotionally present and engage with you.

With the bonus supplements:

Supplement 3a – The Safe Hug

A way of triggering his ability to soften up a bit around you and that causes him to feel proud of who he is as a man (and not ashamed of it).

Supplement 3b – The Magic Three Words to Say

Three words to tell a man when he feels distant or distracted that pull him back in to feel present and engaged with you again. There is one set for women in relationships and another set singles and daters.

Now let’s look at some of my favorite parts of Module 3.

Top 3 Favorite Points of Module 3: The Secret Emotional Life of Men

1. Supplement 3b: The Magic Three Words

I love simple, impactful advice. And I can identify with it as man. These three words told by my girlfriend would make me melt and loosen up no matter the pressure or how distracted I am.

2. Supplement 3a: The Safe Hug

Sometimes we need reassurance through touch and words. Ironically this is the hug my girlfriend gave me last night to help me relieve my stress.

3. Dealing with Not Feeling Good Enough for You

Ever wonder why men hide their feelings and want to escape to their man cave? You’ll find some of the answers in Module 3. We tend to put up a shield to hide what we’re feeling on the inside. Find out what’s under our shield in Module 3. I especially identify with the image of the drawing with the man getting punched in the face with a large object labeled “Life” while he squints, braces for the pain and a quote bubble above his head says, “I’m Ok!”

And here are my favorite quotes from Michael Fiore in Module 3.

Top 3 Favorite Quotes of Module 3: The Secret Emotional Life of Men

1. “There is a stat I read recently that talks about how most men who are 40 and above these days simply don’t have friends. They really don’t. Their entire social life is built around their girlfriend or their wife bring people in.”

2. “Anger is the only emotion that men are allowed to vent through. And so because of that, everything becomes anger. If the only thing you’re allowed to show is anger, you’re not allowed to show, “Oh my god, I’m having a hard time. I need help,” you’re only allowed to be angry and to put that out at other people.”

3. “and if you can accept him for who he really is, and as manly and powerful as he is but as … If he can both be accepted as who he is and if you can also celebrate him for being manly and powerful, he will worship the bejeezus out of you.”

If Make Him Worship You sounds like something you want to get your hands on then…

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