beat loneliness

10 Ways to Overcome Sadness after Getting Hurt

We all get into a funk.

Especially for those of you who have recently experienced a break up, divorce or infidelity.

Your life took an sudden unexpected turn and it can feel like your life shattered.

Now you wonder how you will put the pieces back together.

Inevitably you can’t avoid feeling down and lonely but you can, however, acquire some strategies to overcome sadness and find happiness again.

And don’t feel ashamed.

Even the most outgoing people fall victim to sadness and need to find a way to breakout of it.

Key to Overcome Sadness- Don’t THINK Your Way Out, Take Action

Since my ex-wife decided to get up a suddenly leave and move in with a strange man she hardly knew, I have to admit one thing.

It can feel lonely.

Awfully lonely.

To the point where it feels like wherever you look you see smiley, happy couples.

And you think, what happened to me?

I thought I had it all.

And now I feel like a-one-man nation with no one to share my life with.

Hell, even towards the end of the relationship I felt lonely after she grew cold and distant.

But one thing that seems to work practically every time to help me overcome sadness is to take action.

Break away from the very thoughts that keep you stuck and just do something.

Preferably something that will uplift you, motivate you and empower you to lessen the episodes of sadness and loneliness.

Take Small Steps to Feel Happy Again…Fast


Therefore, first step.

Don’t focus on the sad feelings.

Take action.

Even small action steps.

Get your brain to search for positive things you want.

Now please understand if you feel a deeper sadness then this post is not for that.

I wrote a review on a book related to cognitive therapy that helps you develop powerful new ways of thinking within yourself to achieve your goals and dreams.

Instead this post today, is for right now.

Here I present you the strategies I apply to overcome sadness and find happiness again fast.

And by fast I mean in the next hour or even in the next 5 minutes.

I can’t guarantee they will work for you but I implore you to at least try a few, even just one.

But more importantly to start to develop your own list.

And we will go beyond just relieving stress.

I want you to recharge your batteries and take one step forward with your goals and dreams.

Therefore, in this post you will not find ideas that simply allow you to take a mental break, but instead ways that will inspire you and make you stronger each time.

None of these ideas will appear on the list:

  • Cry to relieve the pressure and stress
  • Exercise
  • Listen to (any kind of) music
  • Meditate
  • Talk to a friend on the phone

Let’s look for permanent change, not just a way to slap on a bandage.

Everyone’s list will differ from person to person.

Here is mine…

10 Ways to Overcome Sadness FAST and Find a Path to Feel Happy Again

1. Listen to Inspirational Podcasts

A few months back I found myself down in the dumps.

Things weren’t even that bad, though.

I had time and freedom to do the things I wanted.

And I could practically travel any week I wanted since I had afforded myself the luxury of working part-time after saving up money and making money from my blog from my life experience story by suggesting useful solutions to my readers.

I guess I was just overwhelmed by random little things and I felt a little worn out from writing a lot.

So, a good friend of mine introduced me to a few inspirational podcasts that I could listen to from my Iphone’s podcast app.

Quote of the Day by Shawn Croxton became my source of energy every morning.

Each uplifting video by motivational speakers that Shawn shared helped rejuvenate me and bring back the confidence I had lost.

Suddenly I felt a burst of energy.

That podcast injected a new life in me.

I even began t o run on the treadmill in my apartment’s gym- something I never used to do.

Quote of the Day may or may not be for you , but there is a podcast for everyone.

Download the podcast app on your smart phone or conduct a Google search for inspirational podcasts.

Now, podcasts are a recent discovery to find happiness again and instantly overcome sadness, but the next technique I’ve been practicing for while.

2. Listen to the Right Inspirational Music

What does RIGHT music mean?

Whatever you need in that moment to overcome sadness.

Whether that means upbeat, emotional or soothing.

That may sound like an obvious, useless piece of advice, but consider that if your normal preferred genre of music is not designed to uplift then it may instead keep you stuck in sadness.

What you may need right now to feel good fast is something different.

To overcome sadness I propose that we must steer clear of anything that trains our brain to feel sorry for ourselves and instead get our blood pumping and gain a higher level of confidence.

That is why I recommend that you listen to something that pulls you away from your sadness and naturally feeling energized and strong again.

The interesting part of this technique is that the types of music that you will find uplifting may not even be music that you normally would listen to.

Here is the list of music that I’ve discovered by jumping on YouTube (or Pandora) and playing around with different genres:

Can you say eclectic?

Again, whatever I need in the moment to overcome sadness.

Some of these I only listen to when I need to boost my energy to think positively again.

YouTube provides a great source of inspiration.

3. Watch Inspirational Speech YouTube Video

And in addition to music I will watch an inspirational video to help me to find happiness again and kick the sad feelings in the teeth.

This video by TD Jakes “Run After Your Destiny” gives me shivers every time I watch it.

You can’t help but chase after your dreams and push sadness aside automatically.

This particularly video was introduced to me from the above mentioned podcast Quote of the Day.

4. Write an Inspirational Blog Post (or Start Your Own Blog)

You have life experiences or journeys that others live through too.

If you enjoy to write then you can inspire them that there are others in the world going through the same thing.

They will write to you with appreciation.

Many will become loyal fans.

Want to learn to ideas for starting your own inspirational blog based on your own life experiences and journey?

Read my post Can You Turn Your Life Story into a Blog?

Writing soothes my soul and changes my mood fast, especially when I can help someone have a new perspective in order to find a solution.

This blog here has helped me connect with others through my own experiences or observations.

It’s provided them some seeds of thought as they determine their best path after living through an affair.

And for others it has injected hope and self-empowering strategies to move on alone and to take on the fear of the unknown.

I’ve received emails from all over the world looking to connect with me to help them with similar struggles.

What experiences can you share and connect with people all over the world in a blog?

I probably put you on the spot, but I promise you that you can inspire people with a journey or personal challenge you’ve gone through.

==>Click here to brainstorm some ideas on blog topics related to life experiences and journeys.

5. Stand Up Comedy Videos or Audios

Still sticking with the Youtube theme, one of my favorite ways to find happiness again fast and overcome sadness is by watching stand up comedy routines.

And I often search for comedians I’ve never seen before.

And the cool thing is that some of these performers may end up in one of your local comedy clubs.

Be aware that some comics can become vulgar with their stories or choice of words.

With that in mind you may or may not find these comedian discoveries of mine that funny:

6. Break Up Your Normal Routine (at least one time)

A change of scenario or pattern for a day has always been a way to put me in good mood.

For me, feeling like things will never get better than what they are sends me into boredom or sadness quickly.

Changing even something small can make a big difference.

Simply taking a different, more scenic route to work lifts my spirits.

Or consider taking a shopping trip (if you don’t normally shop) for a new shirt, shopping at a different grocery store or even just going on a “thinking” drive.

Try out different ways to break you free from feeling like you will get stuck in the same predictable, boring patterns.

This mentality will help you feel in control of you life.

7. Find Your “Happy Place”

Every one can benefit from having a select few places that they can depend on going to break them free from a state of sadness.

Over time I have grown a long list of specific places around town and even in other cities I travel to, as well as some universal kinds of places.

All them relax me ranging from places with stunning views to meditate to places for people watching or getting a drink.

Here’s a list of a few of my favorites:

The Observation Deck of Disney’s Contemporary Resort in Orlando (night or day).

You see a great view of Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park and since Florida is so flat here you can even see downtown Orlando about 20 miles away in the distance.

Lounge at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in downtown San Diego.

From the top of this hotel 40 stories up in the air you can gaze the beautiful panoramic view of San Diego Bay

The Wine Room in Winter Park, Florida

Upscale wine bar lounge great for discovering new wines and people watching.


I imagine that that could sound crazy to you but I find it exciting who know that you are a few steps away from going anywhere in the world. I purposely choose flights with layovers just to relax in a random city work on my laptop. but fascinates me to know just for that one brief hour I’m sitting in some far-off place about to embark somewhere else.

Plane Rides

Yet another completely ludicrous sounding idea to break free from sadness but very few things calm me down and allow me to escape reality then plane rides.

San Francisco

This cities diverse culture and neighborhoods, vibrant activity with numerous cafes, themed bars, boutique shops with some of the most breathtaking views in a big city you’ll find always has a way of capturing my imagination and helping me break free from sadness.

Any Upscale Bar or Lounge

Tasting new drinks and experiencing the environment of upscale lounges has become sort of a new hobby.

I even created my own simple home bar.

Nothing fancy since I live in an apartment.

==>Check out my home bar here and upscale bar hangouts.

I can always depend on these places and many more for a much-needed time out and chance to recharge.

8. Plan a Trip

Just the planning of a trip gives you hope by giving you something to look forward to. Even in those moments where frustration sets in, when I know a trip is on the horizon it can help to perk up pretty quickly.

Even if nothing more than a short weekend trip or just for one night within a few hours drive can suffice to recharge your batteries and defeat sadness.

What kinds of places recharge your batteries fastest?

  • Beaches
  • National parks
  • Big lakes
  • Theme parks
  • Museums
  • Time with family
  • Sporting events
  • Concerts

Isn’t it time for a last-second getaway trip?

9. Hang Out with Fun, Outgoing People

Even if you are a bit introverted sometimes letting loose is a great way to break free from sadness.

And now calls for the time to hang out with some of your more outgoing friends or acquaintances.

For many of us introverts including myself I spend a lot of time on my own to meditate and think about what I want in life.

Too much Solitude, however, can run the risk of feeling lonely and falsely telling yourself that no one wants to be around you.

This is when thinking and meditating will not break you free from feeling stuck instead you must take action.

Outgoing people take action and love to rush to the aid of shy people.

So where can you go with your outgoing friends?

  • Concerts
  • Clubs
  • Downtown music or food/beverage events
  • New bar
  • Holiday party
  • Party with his/her friends

Even if you just observe, just get out of the house and get around people.

Step outside your comfort zone this one time.

Meeting new people gives you hope that you won’t feel lonely for too long.

I highly recommend at least for this one time to go where other people will attend.

Even if you only go for a few hours just go you must break the routine to overcome sadness.

I realize that may scare you  but just give it a shot.

10. Invite a Friend to a New Bar or Restaurant

And by new I mean one you’ve never gone to.

I love upscale bars and lounges.

I think you’ve learned that by now.

For you, you’ve perhaps got your favorite types of places to go to.

And I highly recommend you frequent those kinds of places more often.

Either way, anyone who enjoys a good drink could benefit from happy hours.

Happy hours are a great way to try good drinks for cheap. And while you enjoy your cocktails you can create some interesting conversation with your friend and share what’s on your mind.

But you can also ask the servers for there favorite places to go.

This comes in handy when looking for a new trendy bar to check out.

That’s one way I’ve discovered new fun places to try out.

And as long as I have new places to go I keep life interesting.

Today themed bars have become trendy because of their appealing decor and fun environments.

Check out some of the cool, themed bars here in Orlando.

Heads up, I don’t mention any from Disney but few bars are more themed and more fun than the Tiki bar Trader Sam’s at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post of how to overcome sadness.

Now share with me what your favorite way to overcome sadness are in the comment section below.



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